Having moved over to Hugo I’ve been wondering about moving other things over. Currently we have a website for the Clydebank Musical Society which runs on Wordpress, but it’s pretty new and not been used at all. I pretty much hate Wordpress, it requires PHP, MySQL and endless maintenance, so I was wondering if it’s possible to move it to Hugo and use something like Decap CMS as an admin front‐end as described here.
I’m not sure how that would go down with the CMS people as they’re mostly not very technical. I’d have to look into it. I suspect that maintaining a Wordpress site would not be much easier…
I also have another website for CMS that is totally custom and lists shows and who was in them. The actualy website is written using Ruby on Rails and it mostly works, but I’ve struggled to update the authentication it uses, and as a result I can’t put it online. I was wondering if I could use the data in the DB to generate a Hugo website that auto‐magically links all the people in the shows to their own automatically generated pages. On the face of it it seems pretty simple, there’s even an IMDB type example in the documentation, but I don’t see any way of bending that to allow you to enter, say, person and part they played only once, never mind splitting them into sections like ‘principle’ and ‘chorus’ or whatever, and not have to enter that same data multiple times in different places.
You can do a fair amount of stuff with data sources, but I don’t know how useful it would be for this use‐case, as I want to avoid a very technical feeling system.
We’ll see. I’ll keep looking into it.